Everything You Need To Know About Dental Laser Treatment

Laser technology has significantly revolutionized in the medical field having several applications. Ranging from eye, skin, hair and teeth, laser technology has gained significant application in the dental domain. Laser in dentistry is used in various procedures. Acting as the finest benefit of it is the minimally invasive nature making it famous all over the world. Also, the laser is less painful. For treating dental patients, the laser has served as a significant advancement.

Dental laser treatment

There are several laser treatment types with different applications. They are simple arrow electromagnetic radiations having focused light beams. This helps in making a small shift in the tissue structure based on the treatment been carried on. Laser dentistry has its application in several dental treatments including the removal of overgrown tissues or providing shine to the teeth.

Types of lasers in dentistry

Due to certain differences and similarities in tissue structure and concerns, the treatment used to address the stimuli also varies. Also, the different tissues act differently to different laser treatments. Two types of laser beams are based on the wavelength factor. The two types are as follows:

  1. Soft tissue dentistry – Used in cavity detection, dental filling or tooth preparation and tooth sensitivity 
  2. Hard tissue dentistry – Used to view tissues, removal of benign tumour, to treat sleep apnea, regeneration of nerves, treat cold sores and whiten the teeth

Benefits of dental laser treatment

  • Dental laser treatment has significantly eliminated the need or number of stitches required during various procedures
  • Unlike traditional dental treatments, laser treatment does not require to minimize the introduction of anaesthesia to the patient
  • Laser dentistry helps in sterilizing the gums and make them immune to any infection which can lead to gum damage
  • Laser treatment does not cause blood loss as opposed to traditional dental treatments. Also, it is a painless dental treatment which has significantly reduced blood loss

What happens in dental laser treatments?

Every dental issue demands a unique and different approach to be treated. Depending on the procedure, the intensity of the laser differs. Anaesthesia maybe or maybe not required depending on the treatment. It is the ultimate call of the dentist. 

People often go for laser treatment for teeth due to the non-invasive and painless procedure it follows. Also, it has reduced recovery time and better than traditional treatments.

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